Image uploaded by Central Lincoln County Adult Education

Healthy Kids: Child Care Provider Toolkit 9.03.24

with Healthy Kids

Price not available More Info

This Zoom series provides training on four essential topics for providers who work with parents/caregivers of infants and/or young children: Mandated Reporting: For providers requiring Mandated Reporter Training by the State of Maine. Upon successful completion of the training, the Mandated Reporter Certificate is granted by the Maine Office of Child and Family Services. Infant Safe Sleep: Topics covered include the ABCDs of safe sleep, Maine data, common myths and FAQs and how to support parents/caregivers. Period of PURPLE crying: The Period of PURPLE Crying is an initiative to avoid abusive head trauma (shaken baby syndrome) by educating parents and providers on the normal developmental phase of increased crying in early infancy, action steps, and understanding why shaking a baby is dangerous. Protective Factors: The Protective Factors Framework is a set of strengths-based ideas used to guide programs, services, supports and interventions aimed at preventing child maltreatment and promoting healthy outcomes.

Image uploaded by Central Lincoln County Adult Education

Healthy Kids: Child Care Provider Toolkit 1.14.25

with Healthy Kids


January 14th to 28th, 2025

Price not available More Info

This Zoom series provides training on four essential topics for providers who work with parents/caregivers of infants and/or young children: Mandated Reporting: For providers requiring Mandated Reporter Training by the State of Maine. Upon successful completion of the training, the Mandated Reporter Certificate is granted by the Maine Office of Child and Family Services. Infant Safe Sleep: Topics covered include the ABCDs of safe sleep, Maine data, common myths and FAQs and how to support parents/caregivers. Period of PURPLE crying: The Period of PURPLE Crying is an initiative to avoid abusive head trauma (shaken baby syndrome) by educating parents and providers on the normal developmental phase of increased crying in early infancy, action steps, and understanding why shaking a baby is dangerous. Protective Factors: The Protective Factors Framework is a set of strengths-based ideas used to guide programs, services, supports and interventions aimed at preventing child maltreatment and promoting healthy outcomes.

Image uploaded by Central Lincoln County Adult Education

Healthy Kids: Front Porch Project 9.18.24

with Healthy Kids


September 18th, 2024

Price not available More Info

The Front Porch Project ® is a community initiative based on the belief that everyone can - and should - play a role in preventing child abuse. It is supported by research focusing on how adults learn and make decisions to act on behalf of children and was developed by the Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance.

This webinar is open to everyone and teaches you how to: * Foster the idea that it's okay to ask for and receive help in stressful times. * Empower yourself to feel confident in offering support. * Increase your awareness of the importance of prevention in helping to protect children and support families. * Identify and develop comfort with a range of parenting approaches. * Identify when and how to get involved in situations involving a child. * Think of possible responses, interventions, and problem-solving strategies. * Identify "roadblocks" to stepping in and find safe ways around them. * Increase your comfort level with stepping into those situations. * Understand the impact that culture, gender, and socioeconomic status can have on parenting and on actions you might take on behalf of children. Reach out to others in your community to support children and families.

Image uploaded by Central Lincoln County Adult Education

Healthy Kids: Front Porch Project 10.17.24

with Healthy Kids


October 17th, 2024

Price not available More Info

The Front Porch Project ® is a community initiative based on the belief that everyone can - and should - play a role in preventing child abuse. It is supported by research focusing on how adults learn and make decisions to act on behalf of children and was developed by the Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance. This webinar is open to everyone and teaches you how to: * Foster the idea that it's okay to ask for and receive help in stressful times. * Empower yourself to feel confident in offering support. * Increase your awareness of the importance of prevention in helping to protect children and support families. * Identify and develop comfort with a range of parenting approaches. * Identify when and how to get involved in situations involving a child. * Think of possible responses, interventions, and problem-solving strategies. * Identify "roadblocks" to stepping in and find safe ways around them. * Increase your comfort level with stepping into those situations. * Understand the impact that culture, gender, and socioeconomic status can have on parenting and on actions you might take on behalf of children. Reach out to others in your community to support children and families.

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So You Want to open an Airbnb?

with Debra Arter


October 17th, 2024

$49 More Info

Did you know that the number of people turning to choosing Airbnb for lodging in Maine has almost doubled from two years ago? The revenue earned by Airbnb owners in Maine topped $100 million in 2020. If you have entertained the idea of opening up your guest bedroom or summer camp for short term rental, this is a class not to miss. The instructor, herself an Airbnb owner, has interviewed many other Airbnb or VRBO owners and put together a packet with good information, tips and actual stories of unusual events in the life of a short term landlord. This course will address issues dealing with ordinance, insurance, expectations, fees, hosting, guests, safety, communication, neighbors and more.

Debra Arter has operated River Escape for over 4 years in Damariscotta as an active and popular Airbnb.